Friday, August 30, 2013



There's no place that is wider for soul,
In the sky clouds will float above all,
Through the thousands of years, never fall
Into changes below which are earthly.

Full of sky here is breath of the waves,
With its rhythm water measurement makes
Of the years, without false or mistakes,
Never growing old and never dying.

All encompassing here and now,
All reflecting in thin surface gown,
And in depths that are hidden from thou,
Gently savoring secrets of making.

In the sky-sea above flying land
The cloud-ships slowly follow their trend,
And the birches have weaved their hands
In the dancing with wind that lasts decades.

At their feet the rows of mossy stones
Keep the secrets of old and their bones,
As they've been left by melting of snows,
And the mystery labyrinth knowledge.

An eternity, youth of the gods,
Love, dreams, prayer and tart tasting blood,
Everpresent quest of life and heart,
All is merged into one endless day....

Russian version(original):


Шире места для души не найти,
Облака по небу в вечном пути
Будут сквозь тысячелетья идти,
Не касаясь земли перемен.

Небом полная, здесь дышит вода,
Плавным ритмом отмеряя года,
Не фальшивя, не спеша никуда,
Не старея и не умирая.

Все вмещая, что есть здесь и сейчас,
В тонкой пленке отражая рассказ,
А в глубинах, утаенных от глаз,
Охраняя сон тайн мирозданья.

В море неба у парящей земли
Проплывают облака-корабли,
И березы свои руки сплели
В танце с ветром длиной в дестилетья.

В их ногах замшелых камней гряды
Сторожат, как их оставили льды,
Давней памяти о мертвых следы,
Лабиринтов таинственных знанья.

Вечность, молодость богов, и любовь,
Сны, молитвы в небо, терпкая кровь,
Бесконечный вопрос жизни вновь –
Все слилось в нескончаемый день...

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sandwich Song

The cherries on the cake
                      passionate red
Like the sunset blood of warriors
Who died defending these
            breastlike expressions
Of women in their villages.
The sun is shining on top of cream,
Golden rivers, honey-dew creases
Run through its hills.
Once there was snow
On top of the mountains
That we felt was ours
In its beautiful shine.
Once rivers ran through creases,
Honeylike in the rays of setting sun,
Goldlike in the eyes of invaders.
Gold of corn equals to the gold of sun,
Does it equal to the gold of coins?
That is what we asked our brothers and sisters,
When winter came and
Cream-snow filled in the valleys
Where once there was sun.
It shattered forests,
It scattered lands,
It turned the soul of the land we all owned
Greasy and raining with tears of our
                      children, women, elders
Who bowed before the storm
That was coming in from the North Lands.
The storm called war.
So cold, so inimical is the sandwich lying in front of me -
Child of many deaths and many tragedies,
Born by the land we have owned once,
With honey-creases of canyons,
With golden rivers in the
Cream-white snow,
Cherry-red love for our homeland,
Breadlike hope for life that holds
All Mother Earth's children together.